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Learning at BVGA

Library Rules

On arrival  

As students enter the library, they are required to leave bags and coats on the shelves provided. 

Being Quiet in the Library 

The library is used for quiet studying during lesson time. Anyone not studying in lesson time or during Sixth Form study periods, will either be asked to get on with their studies, or leave and find an alternative appropriate venue.  

More flexibility for relaxation and general chatting is built in before school, at break time and lunchtime. However, some students will be studying due to the lunch periods being split, therefore consideration of noise level must be considered. When the level of noise becomes too high, the librarian will direct users to be quiet. 

Eating and Drinking 

Strictly no food or drinks of all descriptions, including water, are permitted in the library. All food and drinks must be consumed before entering the library. Anyone caught eating or drinking in the library will be politely asked either to put it away or leave. 

Use of Library Computers 

Students are permitted to use the computers in the library for SCHOOL work. They are also permitted to print schoolwork using the Hub printer. 

Mobile Phones 

Pupils may bring mobile devices on to the school site but are not permitted to use them at any time, this includes in The Hub, unless specifically permitted to do so by a member of staff for the purposes of supporting learning or safety.  

Lessons In the Hub 

Lessons do take place in the Hub. Students can still use the space during these lessons, but only for quiet study. They must act appropriately, completing quiet study only, or they will be asked to leave.