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Learning at BVGA

Using the library


Reading books are part of the equipment needed for school each day and should always be in a students’ bag. Borrowing a book from our extensive library is a good way to ensure each student has a reading book with them every day. 

Students are given a unique ID number which enables them to take out books using our electronic library book system. 

Students can borrow up to a maximum of 5 books at a time for up to 3 weeks. To extend a loan, students need to come back to the library for their book to be scanned and renewed for a further 3 weeks.  

Books can be borrowed and returned before school, at breaks and lunchtimes and after school, so there are lots of opportunities to be able to borrow a book. 

Lost, damaged and overdue books 

You should see the librarian immediately if you lose your book. If you cannot find it, you will be asked to pay for the replacement cost of the book. If a book is damaged, please return it to the library, you may be charged for the cost of replacing the book if it is beyond repair. 

Overdue books MUST be returned to the library as soon as possible. Your tutor will be informed if you have a book overdue.