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Learning at BVGA

Year 9 Options

In Year 9, students are ready to make well informed option choices about which subjects they would like to study at Key Stage 4. To help students make the best choices for them, they receive personalised support and advice.

The Options process for students in Year 9: 

    • Wednesday 9th December 2024 - Year 9 Parents' Evening. 
    • Monday 20th January 2025 - Students receive their personalised pathway and an options booklet; 
    • Pathway 1 1a. Pathway 1 Y9 Options 2025.pdf
    • Pathway 2 1a. Pathway 2 Y9 Options 2025.pdf
    • Wednesday 22nd January 2025 - Options Showcase for students, parents/carers 3:00pm - 4:00pm.
    • Friday 14th February 2025 - Year 9 Options submission deadline. 


The Year 10 and 11 Curriculum

In Years 10 and 11 students follow a personalised pathway which is appropriately challenging and carefully designed to prepare students for future learning and employment. Almost all students study 9 GCSEs or equivalent.  

All students in Year 10 and Year 11 study:

  • English Language GCSE 
  • English Literature GCSE
  • Maths GCSE
  • Science (dual award) GCSE
  • Core PE

Plus, *four options subjects from a choice of:  

Art and Design GCSE, iMedia (ICT) Cambridge National, BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Drama, Food and Nutrition GCSE, Geography GCSE, Health & Social Care Cambridge National, History GCSE, Language GCSE, BTEC Award in Music, BTEC Award in Filmmaking, Philosophy, Ethics and Religion GCSE, BTEC Award in Sport, Technology: choose from one of the following, Graphic Products GCSE OR Product Design GCSE.

 *Students following the EBacc pathway will study a language and will choose three more subjects from the list above including Business Studies GCSE. One of these must be Geography and/or History.

Each subject area has recorded a short video to provide you with details about each subject, and why it might be a good subject to choose. These videos will also be shown to students during tutor time January 2025. 


If you have any questions about the Options process or if you would like any further advice on which courses to choose then please contact Mrs. Gill (Head of Year 9) or Mrs. Duffield (Deputy Headteacher) 

Year 9 Options Process

Food Preparation & Nutrition

Design Technology


Business Studies

Philosophy, Religion & Ethics

Art & Design


BTEC Sport

Health & Social Care

BTEC Filmmaking

